1 Month: Starting to Lift the Head

“Jack has had tummy time every day since he was three days old.   At first he didn’t like being on his stomach, but now he is happy to play a while in this position.  He is interested in lifting his head to get his mouth on his hand.  It’s like a game to him.”

In tummy time, we want to see a progression of extension through the baby’s back over the first several months.  I’m always in awe and a little surprised at the slow but steady day-by-day progression, especially in the first month.   In the first days of tummy time, the weight is on the baby’s face and it is not the most comfortable looking position.  Nevertheless, exciting changes are on the way!

Continue reading “1 Month: Starting to Lift the Head”

5 Months: Sitting

 “Yesterday was a big day because Zahra sat all by herself!  She is so happy!  Of course, I had to put her in this position first. She can’t take her hands off her feet because she falls backwards.  I keep her safe by putting soft pillows and blankets all around her and sitting with her while she plays.”  

Zahra is five-months old and has attained the developmental milestone of sitting independently.  Her parents are proud and it is easy to see that Zahara is proud too.  What are the building blocks for independent sitting? Continue reading “5 Months: Sitting”